Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Websites

Online Business Presence Check List for 2019

01 Jan
Online presence

Never before has there been a time when more business was conducted on the internet.

In years past business was done face to face in storefronts. People had to drive to you in order to work with you or buy from you.

In 2019 the new norm has become – grab your device, be it the computer, smartphone, iPad, or tablet, and Google your way to the service or item you desire. Finding the best price and the best company to work with based on the ability to bring them up in a search.

That gets me to the point of this article. When someone looks for you or your business do you know what they are finding or if they are able to find you? Today’s question is “have you googled yourself lately?”

You may be surprised what comes up when you Google your business. If you are an older business especially your data may have been automatically entered into dozens of databases, some inaccurately. It’s important to take the time to contact and correct each entry.

What your potential patrons see online is the impression they take away of your business, right or wrong.

The Checklist

The number one most important factor is, of course, your actual website. It is the landing site for all other lead generations. It is where you are trying to get all traffic to direct to because this is your presentation of who and what you are as well as what you offer and how to take advantage of that. Make sure it’s user-friendly, easy to navigate, has the call(s) to action you want visitors to take and offers the right information including contact, address, phone, services, and offers.

Social Media. People search for businesses on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram almost the same way they do on Google. They are looking to see if you are up to date, if your company looks professional and interesting, and for information on services, products, and how to find you.

Digital Advertising (Paid) – Taking out ads on Adwords bounces you to the top of Google automatically for certain keywords and categories. Paid ads work. The only downside is once you stop paying, the ad is no longer run. You gain no organic traffic this way so the boost is temporary.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization). SEO is the major way in which your site gets ranked. It is very involved and needs consistent updating. Regular content such as web page updates, blogging, and link building can help you get found and snag leads. As of 2017 28% of searches are looking for a local product or service according to Hubspot, SEO is a great investment. It builds traffic organically (non paid) and those results stay put a lot longer than paid ads.

Reviews and Reputation Monitoring – What are your customers saying about you? Do you know? Making sure to monitor and respond to reviews on Google, Yelp, and more is important. A good review can make you and a bad review (ignored) can break you.

What do the stats say? – monitoring the progress of your online traffic is vital – how else will you know if your strategies are working? At Damonaz Design, we send you weekly reports to let you know how your site and ads are performing as well as where your traffic is coming from. We then adjust accordingly to get you the very best results possible.

Interested in improving your online presence? Let us help. The creative team at Damonaz Designs has years of experience and tons of talent. We have made it our business to support yours.

Give us a call today at 239-244-8350 or email for a customized quote based on your companies needs.

Sarah Barendse

Sarah is Damonaz Design's Lead Writer & Designer. She loves what she does and takes pride in her ability to creatively support all of her clients. Your account could be next! ;)

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