Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Websites

News Blog


01 Feb

Why Use Social Media As a Business?

social media marketing

If you are a business owner you may look at social media and think “What’s the point?”. That’s a valid question. Ultimately you want potential customers and clients to find your business. That is the goal. Social media channels are avenues to accomplish that. Be it Facebook, Twitter, G+, Instagram,

01 Jan

Online Business Presence Check List for 2019

Online presence

Never before has there been a time when more business was conducted on the internet. In years past business was done face to face in storefronts. People had to drive to you in order to work with you or buy from you. In 2019 the new norm has become –

01 Dec

Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing

Social media fort myers

The majority of consumers look online when trying to find a product or service. That is the simple fact in 2018. Social media is followed preceded only by word of mouth advertising in effectiveness. Despite the tendency of many social media visitors to bounce quickly from your site to the

01 Nov

How to Respond to Negative Reviews Online

negative reviews

In the day and age of social media, your online presence is important. It can be disheartening to log in only to see a bad review of your company that you have worked so hard to build. In many cases, the natural reaction is to become defensive and want to