Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Websites

News Blog


01 Oct

Optimize Organic Search Rankings to Combat Ad Block

SEO Florida fort myers naples damonaz design

We all realize we are being tracked online by nearly all websites visited. You may have noticed it when you save potential items to purchase in your shopping cart on a site such as and suddenly a day later when you are surfing Facebook that same item seems to

01 Sep

How Long Does SEO Take to See Results?


We live in an immediate gratification society. We want results right away on everything. We are impatient because we have been groomed to be that way. On-demand TV, drive-through windows, instant downloads, everything is at our fingertips. The thing with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is that if you are to

01 Aug

Work Smarter Not Harder

work smarter

It’s wonderful to be able to do every task needed to run your business. Its good to know whats going on around you and be in full control. The question becomes, especially as your business grows, do you really still have time to do everything yourself? For most business owners,

27 Jun

Do You NEED Facebook as a Business?

Facebook ads 760x400

It’s important to keep your personal profiles separate from your business, though its common to share business page posts on your personal page. The fact is that business is business. Even though its true that people buy from people and making your page personable is a huge asset, there still