Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing & Websites

News Blog


19 May

How to decide: Websites – Do it yourself OR Hire a Designer?

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With options online such as Wix or Squarespace it can be tempting to go the build it yourself route, and for some personal sites and even businesses that may work just fine. They are fairly easy to learn and use as long as you are relatively computer savvy. They keep

02 May

So You Want to be On Page 1 of Google

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While we, and every other SEO company out there, would love to look you right in the eye and promise you a spot on page one of Google under whatever keyword you would like to be found by… that just isn’t realistic.   There are 10 slots on page 1

17 Apr

Do Not Buy FACEBOOK “Likes”


While buying LIKES on Facebook may seem the quick and easy strategy for boosting your pages visibility and perceived worth, it doesn’t pay off in the long run. The main issue with paid likes is that there tends to be little to no actual engagement. The “likers” simply do not

30 Mar

Five reasons for website traffic’s ups and downs

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How B2B companies can make better digital marketing decisions Have you ever looked at your website performance and wondered why your web traffic dipped so significantly in November compared with October or other peak traffic months? Fluctuations in web traffic can be alarming, but they’re totally normal. Having a better